876 Chatta Bax

876 Chatta Bax
Till Mi Dead Mi Ago Chat-Up Di Tings Dem

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Don't Misconceive Di Stance

I was told earlier today that my bantering on about whether God exists or not  did not state whether or not i believe in God. Before I get into that whole discusion on my beliefs I must say this isnt a deny that god exists blog its just a thing weh mi talk mi mind bout things that occur on a everyday basis within this my Jamaican Society.

Now that I have said that mek mi guh back to wah mi did start out wid. I dont really think it is of any neccessity to divulge my beliefs to anyone to make my point clearer but seeing as mi love chat why not . I am a none religious being who cares not for the ideolgies of " God Folloewers". Alright yuh want clear seeit yah mi nuh believe inna Gad. Its almost as I said before  like a crime fi seh dem tings deh inna Jamaica, yuh might get dragged into di miggle a di town an den stripped, whipped and hung.

I have met persons though who share similar notions of existence as my self . The ones who are not religious but spiritual, the ones who believe that we come from munky  and di one who couldnt care less weh wi come from. mi kinda gh wid di laas group. Is an age old question but Who created dis Gad a from mi a pickney mi have da question deh lack dung inna mi heart enuh peeps. Wah him jus pop up outta no where an start create suh. Den weh him get di knowledge from, di skills, etc. mi know he is god and so him just happn to have all a dat lack , well too bad mi nuh buy it  an if yuh a cook it mi nuh nyam it.

Yuh waah unda stan why mi nuh believe it . I have an i dea that no one created the earth we just exist yes we have a history but at di end of the day wi just exist. This is sumthing mi think more sensible dan anything else weh any baddy a tell mi bout wi come from gad particle, gardens of eden or munky. When i say this people think i am crazy but when i say who mek gad how him just exist suh i am the crazy one still but they are highly inteligent for thinking that gad just exist suh. Boy the contridictions of ourideals  rise like stench from the dungle heaps of Riverton.

Dont use di bible to justify shit to me if yuh trying to explain certain tings as dats just a great waste. I might listen to history but mi always tek it wid a grain a salt. Listen to it deconstruct it  and own mi own afta dat. Some people tek di bible not as a reference but as a dictation and i am not of that mindset suh if yuh want mi fi own dat view yuh affi guh nail mi to a cross, pun intended, hahah.

Well now yuh know mi views pan dat i hope dat it brings clarity and transperency to who i am and where i stand , or sit if i might say love everytime


  1. I appreciate the clarification. It creates transparency and I for one think it's bold of you in so many ways to come out and say this without regret or remorse. You obviously are happy with your freedom here to express yourself and i can't say I dont share the same sentiment. I won't use the bible to support any of what i have to say because i myself have issues with it. I will say that I agree with your discussion on how Jamaica as a country and society handles issues and daily occurences. Perhaps homosexuality can be addressed in a discussion as well, which I inevitably see it heading that way.

    I challenge you however to think from someone else's shoes. If you were an old lady, bed-ridden from a fatal disease...you have no family, no medical chances of living for much longer and you are alone. Don't you think in a situation like that, it is fair to believe in something, or someone out there to help you feel better?... after all , what would you have left?

  2. A round of applause for the fact that you are boldly speaking out with no regrets.

    I don't believe in GOD.
    I believe i existence and that people control there destiny and should live off there conscience.
