876 Chatta Bax

876 Chatta Bax
Till Mi Dead Mi Ago Chat-Up Di Tings Dem

Tuesday 4 September 2012


Why don’t we hand a knife to everyone who thinks they are a surgeon and say “cut”? Aaww! So why is it that everyone who stands and says I am an artist/artiste gets to wear the mantel. As was said by Dancehall Icon Bogle “everybody can daance but anuh every bady a daanca”. To me the problem doesn’t lie with the bestowed, more so, it lies with the individuals bestowing.
Do we ever stop to 
think who a lot of these people writing for the news papers and doing TV interviews are how they became qualified to hand over such titles. Have we stopped to think of our Minister of Culture and the many respected officials we have giving out Fine Arts and Music awards to the public. Well, I am curious to say I hadn’t before this but the thought has me pondering.
I do not wish to take away anyone’s accolades or titles( yeah right ) my point is and is simple put unless you are certified to certify “shut yuh mouth”. Weekly I read the Art sections of news papers to find “works of art” scuffed at by the academics and no where worthy of being recognized by the “Intuitives” yet it is lord with honours by untrained eyes and unqualified pens smacked right on the front page of that section.
I hope my banter does not come off as just a bitter young artist wishing he was being featured because guesses what, I have been, so has my work, so if your mind lingers there you are not listening. What I speak of doesn’t only pertain to painting or the visuals it also speaks to literature, the culinary, performance and entertainment. I can whip up a good enough meal but I aint no chef. I can become one with dedication and education but until then I can whip up a good enough meal, yuh get mi?
No one seems to take the Arts serious: not the government, institutions nor the artists themselves, no my bad sorry, the patrons buying the crap does; because they crave that which is creative so much they are forced to take what they get. If we as Artists cyaah put wi futt dung who the hell will. I we wont produce, write, criticise and bestowe we cyaah guh stop whats taking place and if so , wi would have to kibbah wi mout.
I am talking freely and boldly as that’s what I do best “stop gwaan like yuh a govanna general, handing out awards and bestowing titles, as mi grand faddah wuddah seh, tun tuddy jackass”. The Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts, the National Institute, National Gallery and many a Art Consultants/ graduates of the mentioned college exists for a reason. I do not wish to take away the prestige from anyone I just demand that it not be presumptuous.

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